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هل ترغب في أخذ دورات من جامعة هارفارد Harvard ومعهد ماساتشوستس MIT للتكنولوجيا براحة في منزلك؟ 

شارك في التعلم عن بعد مع هذه الدورات الضخمة المفتوحة عبر الإنترنت (MOOC) من مواقع الويب لاستكشاف حدودك وزيادة معرفتك. تعليم عالي الجودة من أفضل المدارس حول العالم مجانًا ؛ من جاهز لها؟

تم تصميم دورات EdX لتكون ممتعة وممتعة وصارمة. إنها أفضل الدورات ، من أفضل الأساتذة وأفضل المدارس ، تغطي عشرات المواد. تأسست EdX في الأصل من قبل هارفارد ومعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا ، وتقدم الآن دورات من 29 من أفضل المدارس في جميع أنحاء العالم. ابدأ الدراسة مع EdX واستمتع اليوم!

EdX courses are designed to be interesting, fun and rigorous. They are the best courses, from the best professors and the best schools, spanning dozens of subjects. Orgininally founded by Harvard and MIT, EdX now offers courses from 29 of the top schools around the world. Start studying with EdX and have fun today! 

منذ تأسيسها في عام 2008 ، تسعى Saylor.org جاهدة لتوفير تعليم عالي الجودة مجانًا للجميع في جميع أنحاء العالم. يقوم فريق Saylor بتعيين أساتذة معتمدين لإنشاء مخططات الدورة التدريبية وتحديد موقع مواد الموارد التعليمية المفتوحة وفحصها وتنظيمها في تنسيق منظم وبديهي. يقوم أساتذتهم الاستشاريون أيضًا بإنشاء محتوى OER الأصلي وربطهم بالمواد المنشورة مجانًا لملء أي ثغرات. تنتهي كل دورة بامتحان نهائي ، ويمكن للطلاب الحاصلين على درجة النجاح تنزيل شهادة إتمام. ابدأ التعلم واكسب شهادتك اليوم!
Since its founding in 2008, Saylor.org strives to provide quality education for free for everyone around the world. The Saylor team hires credentialed professors to create course blueprints and to locate, vet, and organize OER materials into a structured and intuitive format. Their consulting professors also create original OER content and link to freely posted materials to fill in any gaps. Each course culminates with a final exam, and students receiving a passing grade can download a certificate of completion. Start learning and earn your certificate today!

مع 535 دورة تدريبية و 107 جامعة شريكة عالمية ، توفر لك Coursera تعليمًا عالميًا بمجرد نقرة على الماوس. إذا كنت ترغب في المضي قدمًا إلى الأمام ، فقم بالتسجيل في Signature Track مقابل رسوم للحصول على اعتراف رسمي من الجامعات و Coursera بشهادة إلكترونية يمكن التحقق منها. علاوة على ذلك ، هناك أيضًا إعادة محاولة مجانية لـ Signature Track! إذا لم تتمكن من إكمال الدورة التدريبية ، يمكنك طلب قسيمة جيدة لعرض Signature Track التالي لنفس الدورة التدريبية.

With 535 courses and 107 global university partners, Coursera provides you a global education right at the click of your mouse. If you would like to go a step further, sign up for the Signature Track for a fee to earn official recognition from universities and Coursera with a verifiable electronic certificate. What's more, there is also a free re-attempt for the Signature Track! If you're unable to complete the course, you can request a coupon good for the next Signature Track offering of the same course.

If you want to acquire practical skills and knowledge apart from your study subjects, Udemy is your answer.  Whether you want to get promoted, break into a new industry, start a company, further a passion, or just accelerate your life, Udemy helps you learn from the amazing instructors in the world, so that you can get there and get there faster. Discover featured courses and areas that you would like to develop. Udemy provides you with the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants and the chance to learn from them, for free!

5. Skillfeed
If you are looking to learning a new skill, or improving on your proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, or HTML, Skillfeed offers unlimited access to high quality video courses from a worldwide community of instructors.You have a month's free trial which thereafter, you will subscribe to a monthly fee to gain unlimited access to *all* courses! Be an expert in these software skills today! As part of their Halloween celebration, Skillfeed is offering you 30 days free access to all courses. Seize the chance before 3rd November 2013!

Distance education classes at Harvard Extension School have either an online video or live web-conference format. Some courses also include a weekend of intensive on-campus lectures. Online courses span a full semester and have scheduled assignments and exams. Due to the interactive nature of the web conference lesssons, do note that you will have to pay for certain courses here!

Are you a bachelor or high school student who is undecided about your future course of interest? Yale Open Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. Discover a range of timely and timeless topics taught by Yale professors, each with a unique perspective and an individual interpretation of a particular field of study. Inspire your own critical thinking and creative imagination with the lectures and other course materials, which reflect the values of a Yale liberal arts education. 

The tuition-free, nonprofit, online academic institution, University of the People (UoPeople), is part of the Open Educational Resources movement and utilizes open educational content in all courses. Many individuals need beyond just free knowledge – they need the right credentials and experience to compete in today’s job market. A significant number of employers not only demand that their employees possess the requisite knowledge and skills, but that they also hold relevant degrees. At UoPeople, you will get course designers who modify and enhance course materials, then adds in excellent instructors, peer to peer learning, a grading system, student services support, and other benefits found in a university to provide fully developed tuition-free degree programs. A one-time registration fee is charged for your access to an unlimited amount of knowledge! 

All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge. Take part in the interactive classroom blackboard teaching style with short quizzes and questions to test your understanding along the way. 

Academic Earth has curated links to over 750 online courses and 8,

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