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Talking about your plans in English


Here are some useful phrases to talk about your future plans.
Asking about plans
What are your plans for (… summer)?
Have you decided (… where you're going on holiday)?
What are you up to (… in summer?)
Are you going to Majorca again for summer?
When you talk about your plans, use the present continuous tense:
I'm thinking of going to …
We're planning to go to…
He's hoping to go to…
I'm toying / playing with the idea of…
Other useful phrases
I've got my heart set on…
I've been dying to go to… (ever since I heard about it from my neighbour)
I'd love to go to Australia, but it's too far / expensive
I can't choose between Morocco or Tunisia.
I'm torn between Italy and France.
When your plans aren't yet certain
It looks like… (we're going to Cyprus)
As long as we can get our visa in time, we'll be going to the USA
We're not 100% sure, but we might be going to Egypt
It's a toss-up between Greece and Spain.
We're on the waiting list for a villa in Tuscany.
When your plans are all arranged
You can use the present perfect tense to announce your plans:
We've decided to go to Greece.
We've settled on Spain, after all.
They've opted for a camping holiday in France.
We've booked a weekend in a boutique hotel in Paris.
Or use the going to future to talk about your intentions:
We're going (to go) to the Algarve for two weeks in July.
She's going to stay in a B&B in the Lakes with some work mates.


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