إعلان الرئيسية العرض كامل

إعلان أعلي المقال

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ,,
تحية طيبة لكل طلاب منحة EDUEgypt ,,

تمت زيارة لطلاب EDUEgypt  المرحلة الثالثة بزيارة لشركة ( أكسيد ) مقرها فى القرية الذكية ,, تعرف الطلاب على عمل الشركة وما هى المهام الخاصة بشركة أكسيد ,,,
EDUEgypt III trainees' visit to Xceed

فبالفعل قامت شركة (أكسيد) بتوظيف العديد من طلاب منحة EDUEgypt , الدفعة الجديد,,

تعرف على شركة   (Xceed)


Egypt a new destination for call centers is revealed, Discover and Xceed

Xceed is set out to be a premier provider of customer contact solutions to commercial and government clients worldwide. Locally it is deemed to be an indispensable IT partner for Telecom Egypt. Through outsourcing Xceed could support a wide array of inbound and outbound services that are customized to the clients needs. Situated in the leading edge technology park of The Smart Village, Xceed carries a unique state of the art facility. Xceed fosters valuable relationships with its clients through building on its core competencies of efficient technologies, redundant infrastructure, and highly skilled agents. The Agents at Xceed are the heart of the business and the strongest feature in its value proposition with their competitive rates, multilingual skills, and university education, clients are guaranteed optimum experiences for their customers.

The strongest skill that Xceed possesses is the ability of performing customer service in multilingualism. For instance, there are 6 different languages running today out of the Xceed site in the Smart Village, serving 12 different countries. Technical support is no different when it comes to availability, as engineering, computer science and IT are popular studies whitin the Egyptian education sysetm. 
Xceed caters for 3 top Fortune 500 companies, in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Arabic.

موقع الشركة 

للمزيد من الصور والمعلومات

تابعونا على موقع طلاب منحة EDUEgypt

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