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للطلبة و الخريجين فرصة تدريب مقدمة من قبل الأمم المتحدة بالقاهرة - EDUEgypt

تقدر تقدم عليه لو انت طالب او خريج من كلية فى التخصصات دي سواءإقتصاد او علوم سياسية, علاقات دولية, علاقات عامة, او اي كلية تخصصها متعلق بمجالات العلوم الإجتماعية ف انت لو طالب يستحسن انك تكون فى سنة تانية او اعلى (تالتة, رابعة, الخ) و لو خريج يكون على الأقل عدى على التخرج يعني على الأقل سنة

Job Application for Intern - Cairo, EGYPT

Candidates are encouraged to submit the application electronically along with an uploaded resume

1. Enter your information here.
2. Items with a * are required before continuing.
3. You will be asked to upload your resume after you submit this form. Please note that the system will not accept the uploading of more than one document so please merge or scan all your documents into one prior to uploading
4. You will receive a confirmation email from the UNDP Office of Human Resources.
5. If you experience any technical difficulties with this application, please contact jobs.help@undp.org
Please note that as UNDP´s recruitment processes are decentralized, job specific queries may be presented to the hiring unit once they’ve expressed interest in your application.

If you are experiencing difficulties with online job applications, please contact jobs.help@undp.org.
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